Merrow Schools Federation

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Merrow CofE Infant School - Kingfisher Drive, Guildford GU4 7EA | | 01483 561501
Merrow Junior School - Sheeplands Ave, Guildford, Surrey GU1 2SG | | 01483 598544,

01483 561501, 01483 598544

Merrow Schools Federation

Together We Grow



Geography enables children to understand places and inspires in them a curiosity to investigate the world and its people.

The geography curriculum aims to broaden children’s understanding of the world by learning about both the physical and human aspects of different countries, exposing them to different cultures, traditions, climates and geographical similarities/differences.  Children will develop their understanding of other cultures and hence learn to respect them.   Geography allows children to find out more about local and global environmental issues, their impact and what can be done to help.    Children also begin to develop map skills, a key life skill.


On leaving our schools, a successful learner of this subject will: 

  • Be inspired and curious to find out more about the world and its people.
  • Appreciate and respect different cultures and their values.
  • Emerge with a broad understanding of the physical and human processes which have formed our world.
  • Have an awareness of our locality and its place within the UK and the world.
  • Be able to discuss topics of significant environmental importance, such as recycling, sustainability and deforestation. 
  • Use a range of maps and atlases to locate places (local, national and global) and identify their features. 
  • Understand the features of maps (keys, symbols, compass points and grid references) - a key life skill.
  • Use their learnt English and Maths skills to communicate their geographical understanding.
  • Link their learning in geography to their British values and our Federation values. 


Infant School Learning Journey - Cycle A (2024/25)

Junior Learning Journey.pptx

Infant School Learning Journey - Cycle B (2025/26)

Mapping - Progression of Skills

Progression of Knowledge and Skills document

Merrow Federation Geography Curriculum

Subject Report 22/23