Merrow Schools Federation

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Merrow CofE Infant School - Kingfisher Drive, Guildford GU4 7EA | | 01483 561501
Merrow Junior School - Sheeplands Ave, Guildford, Surrey GU1 2SG | | 01483 598544,

01483 561501, 01483 598544

Merrow Schools Federation

Together We Grow



The aim of a high-quality computing education is to equip children with the logical and creative thinking skills required to become digitally literate. This means using technology with confidence and competence at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.  At Merrow Schools Federation, children are taught to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly. They recognise acceptable and unacceptable behaviour and learn to identify the range of ways in which they can report concerns about content or contact. Children have controlled access to the internet through portable sets of laptops and ChromeBooks. Computing skills are used and embedded across the curriculum.



A successful learner at our Federation will:

  • Be able to select the most appropriate software or hardware to complete a given task and explain the reasons for their choice;
  • Demonstrate confidence using a range of information processing software such as word processors, spreadsheets and presentation programs;
  • Design, write and debug their own simple programs for a range of different goals, using different programming software such as Scratch and Kodu;
  • When programming, understand sequence, selection, and repetition; work with variables and various forms of input and output;  use logical reasoning to explain how simple algorithms work; detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs;
  • Use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results and ranked and be discerning in evaluating digital content;
  • Understand what it means to be a good digital citizen;
  • Show respect to others and themselves;
  • Display resilience when facing a challenge;
  • Demonstrate safe internet use through the values of the Google Legends scheme:
    • Be Internet Sharp - know what information is okay to share with others e.g. using a nickname and avatar instead of personally identifying information
    • Be Internet Alert - discuss the reliability of information on the internet; understand what is meant by a phishing scam and how to avoid them
    • Be Internet Secure - know how to choose a secure password and keep it safe
    • Be Internet Kind - know that we should only interact with others on the internet if we have permission; only interact with others in a positive way; know how to report negative or inappropriate behaviour
    • Be Internet Brave - when in doubt, discuss. Children know who to speak to if they are ever unsure about digital technology or the internet.


Progression of Knowledge and Skills document

Subject Report 22/23