Merrow Schools Federation

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Merrow CofE Infant School - Kingfisher Drive, Guildford GU4 7EA | | 01483 561501
Merrow Junior School - Sheeplands Ave, Guildford, Surrey GU1 2SG | | 01483 598544,

01483 561501, 01483 598544

Merrow Schools Federation

Together We Grow

Religious Education

Here at Merrow Juniors, we aim to encourage an understanding of the importance of caring and good relationships with others. The Religious Education taught is based on Christian morals and principles and children also learn about a range of world faiths. At the same time pupils are helped to understand the history and culture of other nations and to have an understanding of other religions. At Merrow Juniors we follow the Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education in Surrey Schools and ensure that all compulsory RE topics are covered through our creative curriculum approach.

On leaving our school a successful learner of this subject will: 

  • Know the main teaching and beliefs of world religions; 
  • Show awareness of key non- religious organisations;
  • Identify key artefacts from different religions, treating them sensitively;
  • Ask challenging questions and reflect on answers given;
  • Visit places of worship and interact with members of different faiths;
  • Be a tolerant and respectful member of the local community/ society.

In line with the requirements of the law, parents or carers have a right to withdraw their child(ren) from both RE and / or the daily act of collective worship.  Whilst legally, parents don’t have to give a reason for the withdrawal, we hope that it would be the beginning of a discussion with the Head Teacher as to how this issue can be resolved.


RE Subject Report 2022/23

RE Subject Report 2021/22

RE Subject Report 2020/21

Year Group






How did Jesus change lives and how is it good news?

How can artists help us to understand what Christians believe?

Judaism: What are important times for Jews?

Why is the idea of 'rescue' so important to Christians?

Islam: How does 'ibdah' (worship) show what's important to Muslims?

Thematic unit: Why do people make promises?



Humanism: How do non-religious people celebrate new life?

What did God promise his people?

Sikhism: What do Sikh's value?

What did Jesus say about God's kingdom and why is it 'Good News'?

For Christians, is communion a celebration or an act of remembrance?

Thematic unit: Are words more important than actions?


 Islam: What helps Muslims live a good life?


What do Christians believe about creation? 


What do Christians believe about the Messiah?  

How did the Church begin and where is it now?

Judaism: What does it mean to be part of a synagogue community?

Thematic unit:  Should we forgive and forget?



How is God Three and yet One?

Buddhism: What is the 'Buddhist way of life?'

Hindu (Sanatan) Dharma: What helps Hindus to worship?


Why is the resurrection good news for Christians?

For Christians, what difference does it make to belong to God's Kingdom?

Thematic unit: Who am I and where do I belong?